
Best pathologist in hathras

Currently, No doctors found in Hathras for Pathologist.
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Dr. Debakanta Pradhan

Dr. Debakanta Pradhan

MBBS, MD (Micro Biology)

Available at- Nayati Multi Super Specialty Hospital , Mathura


    Consult with Pathologist in Hathras


    Book appointment with Pathologist in Hathras

    Pathology Services in hathras

    Biopsy Test
    Blood Sugar Test
    Blood Transfusion Service
    CA 125 Test
    Complete Blood Count Test
    HBA1C Test
    Hemoglobin Test
    Histopathology Test
    KFT Test
    LFT Test
    Pap Smear Test Centre
    Pathology Tests
    Toxicology Screeing Centre
    Toxicology Test Centre

    Best Doctors in hathras

    Cardiologist in hathras  /  Plastic Surgeon in hathras  /  Dermatologist in hathras  /  ENT Specialist in hathras  /  General Physician in hathras  /  Psychologist in hathras  /  Geriatric Physician in hathras  /  General Surgeon in hathras  /  Gynaecologist and Obstetrician in hathras  /  Endocrinologist in hathras  /  Gastroenterologist in hathras  /  Nephrologist in hathras  /  Neurologist in hathras  /  Neurosurgeon in hathras  /  Oncologist in hathras  /  Urologist in hathras  /  Orthopedic Surgeon in hathras  /  Pathologist in hathras  /  Psychiatrist in hathras  /  Radiologist in hathras  /  Pulmonologist in hathras  /  Dental surgeon in hathras  /  Ophthalmologist in hathras  /  Pediatrician in hathras  /  Physiotherapist in hathras  /  Neuropsychiatry in hathras  /  Sexologist in hathras  /  Laparoscopic Surgeon in hathras  /  Homeopathy in hathras  /  Ayurved in hathras  /  Dentist in hathras  /  Cosmetic Surgeon in hathras  /  IVF Specialist in hathras  /  Gastro Surgeon in hathras  /  Cosmetic Dentist in hathras  /  Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon in hathras  /  Bariatric Surgeon in hathras  /  Cardiac Surgeon in hathras  /  Cosmetologist in hathras  /  Diabetologist in hathras  /  Dietitian and Nutrition in hathras  /  Epidemiologist in hathras  /  HIV Specialist in hathras  /  Critical Care Specialist in hathras  /  Orthodontist in hathras  /  Pedodontist in hathras  /  Periodontist in hathras  /  Rheumatologist in hathras  /  Oncology Surgeon in hathras  /  Eye Surgeon in hathras  / 
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